


Internships deepen your underst和ing of your coursework 和 get you involved in the 业务 community.


  • 会计
  • 工商管理


  • 工商管理
  • 商业领导
  • 全球研究
  • 领导的研究
  • 公共政策

Course requirements 和 descriptions can be found in the 十大菠菜靠谱平台十大菠菜靠谱老平台.




在商业世界里, your success depends upon your ability to think in new 和 different ways, 适应变化, 了解全球市场, 并与他人工作和沟通. Your Huntingdon education will prepare you for success in every way, through resume-worthy experiences 和 real-world studies.


Students listen for career advice from an accounting professional.

会计, 业务, 还有经济学课程, 结合十大菠菜靠谱平台的核心课程, emphasize the skills you need to lead 和 to serve others: critical thinking, 写作, 说话, 决策, 团队合作, 组织, 和推理.  十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学’s Business 和 会计 programs offer a number of advantages that put graduates ahead of those from other colleges, 包括:

  • A focus on leadership skills 和 业务 ethics.
  • Excellent internships that often lead to permanent employment upon graduation.
  • International 业务 component in every class, preparing graduates for success in a global economy.
  • Lecture series that bring community 业务 leaders 和 accounting experts to campus.
  • Curriculum touches upon all aspects of 业务, 包括定量分析能力, 技术, 经济学, 管理, 组织行为与沟通, human resources (training 和 selecting employees), 策略规划及管理, 解决问题.
  • 灵活适应第二专业.
  • CCV与公司见面
    霍布斯荣誉课程, 商务俱乐部, 会计俱乐部, Sigma Beta Delta商业荣誉, 和 other student 组织s add depth to your studies 和 build your connections both inside 和 outside the classroom.
  • Huntingdon’s 职业和职业中心’s annual Meet the Firms event brings accounting firms to campus to talk with 和 actively recruit Huntingdon 会计 majors, 和 the annual Business Networking Luncheon connects students with Huntingdon alumni who are 业务 professionals.
  • Our location in Alabama’s capital city provides access to a variety of professional settings for internships, 兼职工作, 以及职业安置.
  • The 职业和职业中心 works with students from freshman year through post-graduation on resume preparation; internship, 校外实习, 和 part-time 和 full-time job placement; interviewing skills; aptitude testing 和 career discernment; 和 making connections with alumni 和 professionals in students’ fields of interest.


詹姆斯·W. Wilson Center on the College’s main campus houses 业务 和 accounting classes 和 includes facilities for small group meetings, 互动媒体, 演讲嘉宾, 以及商业演示.



Five Huntingdon alumni accountants were among those recruiting new accountants to their firms during a recent Meet the Firms event. 左起为Cody Causey ' 10, Alabama Department of Revenue; Evelyn Pope ’90, Alabama Department of Revenue; Kayla Strickl和 Ohliger ’19, Alabama Department of Revenue; Makaila Wingo ’18, Jackson Thornton; 和 Will Thrash ’17, 卡尔里格斯 & 英格拉姆.

Huntingdon alumni in 业务 和 accounting are succeeding as CPAs, 私人和公共会计师, 在广告方面, 银行, 通信, 咨询, 创业, 政府, 法律, 管理, 政治, 非营利组织, 私营企业, 公共政策, 公共服务, 零售, 和销售. 因为十大菠菜靠谱平台是一所文理学院, our emphasis is on preparing you broadly to enter any career field you choose.
